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Company News 2021


Company News 2021

Company News 2021

  • Tim
  • Company News

2021 has been a productive year for LiveWires. We have been busy providing new programs with plug-and-play functionality and working with Universities across the UK and the world.

Company News 2021
  • We continue to write software for recording from multiple devices using Ethernet or USB, including in 2021, a major program for monitoring biomass with multiple sensors and another for simultaneous testing of batches of automotive components.  These programs have plug-and-play functionality, i.e. new devices can be connected and are detected by the software, whilst it is already recording from other devices.
  • In the last 2 years, we have worked for 7 universities – 5 in England, 1 in Scotland and 1 in New Zealand.  This work has included software for controlling a plasma source, software for characterising pollution sensors, software for characterising hydrogen storage materials for fuel cells and an online “app” for simulating “Wakefield acceleration” of particles.